St Nazaire 1942

Browse Aerial Normandie Dock
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Aerial Normandie Dock


Browse Aerial of St Nazaire after the operation
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Aerial of St Nazaire after the operation


Browse Aerial of St Nazaire dock
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Aerial of St Nazaire dock


Browse Aerial St Nazaire
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Aerial St Nazaire


Browse Aerial St Nazaire
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Aerial St Nazaire


Browse Bismark
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Browse Bombing St Nazaire
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Bombing St Nazaire


Browse Commander Ryder VC
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Commander Ryder VC


Browse Fairmile B Class Launch
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Fairmile B Class Launch


Browse German Mowe Class destroyer
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German Mowe Class destroyer


Browse German troops in St Nazaire
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German troops in St Nazaire


Browse HMS Campbletown
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HMS Campbletown


Browse HMS Campbletown
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HMS Campbletown


Browse HMS Campbletown
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HMS Campbletown


Browse HMS Campbletown
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HMS Campbletown


Browse HMS Campbletown
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HMS Campbletown


Browse HMS Campbletown
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HMS Campbletown


Browse HMS Castleton
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HMS Castleton


Browse HMS Princess Josephine Charlotte
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HMS Princess Josephine Charlotte


Browse HMS Sturgeon
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HMS Sturgeon


Browse HMS Tynedale
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HMS Tynedale


Browse Lt Col Augustus Charles Newman VC
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Lt Col Augustus Charles Newman VC


Browse Lt Commander Stephen Halden Beattie VC
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Lt Commander Stephen Halden Beattie VC


Browse MGB 314
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MGB 314


Browse Officers of 2 Commando
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Officers of 2 Commando


Browse Post action aerial of St Nazaire
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Post action aerial of St Nazaire


Browse Sgt Durrant VC
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Sgt Durrant VC


Browse St Nazaire model
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St Nazaire model


Browse TBC
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Browse The liner Normandie
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The liner Normandie


Browse The northern winding shed
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The northern winding shed


Browse Tirpitz
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Browse U Boats in the Submarine Basin
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U Boats in the Submarine Basin


Browse William Savage VC
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William Savage VC


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