Villers Bocage
25-pdr field guns of D Troop
A Cromwell tank raises a cloud of dust
A knocked out British Sherman tank
British 5.5inch gun of the 64th Medium Regiment
CLY crew cooking a meal
German prisoners captured at Lingevres
German prisoners captured near Tilly sur Seulles
Gunners of an American 155 mm gun
Lieutenant Bill Cotton
Major 'Spike' Galloway of 6 DLI
Men of 1st Rifle Brigade
Outskirts of Tilly-sur-Seulles.
Reconnaissance Troop Stuarts
Sergeant Trevor Ingram of Nantwich
Stuart V of 7th Armoured Division
The regimental aid post of the 9th DLI
Two French policemen chat with a British Officer
Village war memorial in Lingevres
Villers-Bocage bombed flat
Western end of the village of Lingevres
Wrecked British column