Sword Beach
13th/18th Hussars on passage to Normandy
15 cm Nebelwerfer 41
1st Special Service Brigade coming ashore
200th LCI(s) flotilla heading for beach
48 Royal Marine Commando
6-pdr anti-tank gun of 50th Division
79th Armoured Division on Sword Beach
A 4.2 inch mortar of 2 Middlesex
A battery of self-propelled guns
A disabled Crab Flail tank
A large party of British troops escort two German prisoners
A section of Queen White Beach at la Breche
A Sherman tank and Universal carrier
A stretcher bearer of the Durham Light Infantry
An AVRE team from 77th Assault Squadron
Anti tank gun emplacement
Battery Morris captured by 1 Suffolks on D-Day
Beach obstacles dumped at the top of the beach
Beach troops land on Sword Beach
Brigadier E.Prior-Palmer
British Infantry Brigade from 3rd Div
British Paratroopers and Commandos
British troops and naval beach parties
Commandos from 41 RM Commando
Commandos go aboard their Landing Craft Infantry
Commandos of 1st Special Service Brigade
Commandos of 1st Special Service Brigade
Commandos of 1st Special Service Brigade
Crews from C Squadron, 13th/18th Hussars
DD Sherman tanks 13th/18th Hussars
Driver Turnham hangs out his washing
Durham Light Infantry