Second World War Personality Photographs
This section contains a number of photographs, in black and white and colour, of the key personalities of the Second World War.
A party of VIPs in front of the Citadel at Julich
Admiral Cunningham and Air Marshal Tedder
Admiral Cunningham and Vice Admiral Hewitt
Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur W Tedder and Lieutenant General F A M Browning (CH 13856)
An 8th Armoured Brigade Conference in the field
Anthony Eden and General Dwight D Eisenhower
Army Commander Lt-Gen H.D.G Crerar
Auchinlek and Ritchie
Brig Hill being decorated by Gen Ridgeway
Brigadier Hugh Bellamy
Brigadier Pip Roberts
British PM Winston Churchill
Broadhurst, Montgomery and Ramsey
Canadian Corps commander Lt Gen Guy G Simonds
Churchill Alexander and Montgomery
Churchill and McNaughton
Churchill and Montgomery
Churchill and Montgomery
Churchill and Montgomery
Churchill inspects the troops
Churchill visits Montgomery's headquarters
Churchill, Eden, Alan Brooke, Marshall and Eisenhower
Colonel Reuben Tucker
Commander McAuliffe of the 101st Airborne met with General Middleton
CSM Stanley Elton Hollis VC
Dempsey, Monty and Simonds
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel
Field Marshal Erwin Rommel